Yes -- yet another rabid, raving lunatic apostate spewing diseased, demonic vitriol via Satan's faith-shattering media empire. 😉
breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
Jwfacts tv appearance
by sparrowdown inshout out to jwfacts.. just saw the drum.
excellent job !
How big a deal is the royal commission..? It seems to be not much...
by _Morpheus inmy understanding (very limited and maybe flawed) is that this commission has no teeth.
if thats true why would the org care?
send a few lawyers, go through the motions but in the end.... its a dog parking on a porch.
breakfast of champions
Not an expert on the RC either but. . . .
I get the impression that they (the RC) may be in uncharted waters here.
Perhaps their appearance of "toothlessness" is due to the fact that they make recommendations and then whatever organization makes an effort to comply.
I get the feeling that they haven't dealt with a group like the witnesses ever before -- a group that will not comply with recommendations, but must be dragged kicking and screaming into reality.
So to write them off as "toothless" is probably not fair. . . .perhaps they appear that way because they've never had to show their "teeth" before!
Branch Service Department Manual approves appointing Child molestors as Elders
by stuckinamovement in
breakfast of champions
As thrilled as I am with the RC, I'm a little disappointed this document was never highlighted. . . .
I would have loved for any of those bethel heavies to have read this crap and try to explain it with a straight face.
Mr Jackson declines to appear in RC
by StarTrekAngel in
breakfast of champions
After all G. Jackson appearing would not violate Jehovah's law! Does not the bible say that you will be summoned before governors and kings and that the Holy Spirit will provide you what to say?
And Toole hung the whole reputation of JWs on that very fact.
The RC already smells a rat.
If Jackson doesn't show, it's a smelly diseased rat with festering sores.
My thoughts on Geoffrey Jackson
by thedepressedsoul infirst off, i don't think that dude is going to show face.
he's most likely on a plane already.
if he shows it's bad pr and if he doesn't show it's bad pr.
breakfast of champions
However, if I had to put money on a Ray Franz II it would be Jackson. If he takes the stand maybe the rest of the GB will throw him under the bus?
I've thought the exact same thing, MM.
Is Geoffrey W. Jackson a "ringer"? Was he sent coached how to testify? Is this a setup? I think so.
by Wasanelder Once inif you have heard g. jackson speak you can tell that he is smooth.
he is a good speaker with a commanding voice.
i think the gb knew this was going to happen and prepped him to testify.
breakfast of champions
And the plot thickens...Lol! I have always hated reality shows but I gotta say, this one rocks! Best ever.
I've suspended my Netflix subscription. 😜
by steve2 induring yesterday's rc proceedings (wednesday 5th august 2015), one of the victim's lawyers questioned mr vincent toole, the jw organization's legal counsel for the australian branch office.
she asked him why at least two of the jw elders who gave evidence last week refused to swear on the bible.
mr toole appear puzzled by her question and said he did not know.
breakfast of champions
What struck me about this exchange was how Toole went on to lament the tremendous 'stress' and 'pressure' these poor men endured being brought into a judicial setting. . . . . and thus their strange behavior.
Let those words sink in. . . . . . .
Yes, "our poor baby elder boys are crumbling under judicial proceedings,". . . .
But as for the victims who are put the wringer in a JC. . . .
To me, it was an implicit "Fuck 'em!" from Toole.
Attorney General: JW congregation didn't report child abuse
by betterdaze indelaware attorney general: sussex co. jehovah's witnesses congregation didn't report child abuse.
by associated press 1:47pm, august 5, 2015. the delaware attorney general's office is suing a jehovah's witnesses congregation in sussex county, claiming that elders failed to report an unlawful sexual relationship between a woman and a 14-year-old boy, both of whom were congregation members.. oral arguments in the civil action are set for november.. authorities say elders learned in january 2013 that katheryn harris carmean white was having sex with the boy and failed to immediately call a child abuse hotline.. the congregation's attorney argues that the elders are protected by clergy privilege from the reporting requirements, similar to the confidentiality of a church confessional.. carmean white, who worked as a teacher's aide at seaford middle school, was later convicted of rape and child endangerment and sentenced to six years in prison..
breakfast of champions
This persecution from Satan is coming fast and furious! 😜😈👹👻👍👍🎉
My thoughts on Geoffrey Jackson
by thedepressedsoul infirst off, i don't think that dude is going to show face.
he's most likely on a plane already.
if he shows it's bad pr and if he doesn't show it's bad pr.
breakfast of champions
Either he shows up and lets himself be questioned or else he fails to show up and deceit will be demonstrated. It's that simple.
That's exactly it. Damned if he does, but f-ed if he doesn't.
My thoughts on Geoffrey Jackson
by thedepressedsoul infirst off, i don't think that dude is going to show face.
he's most likely on a plane already.
if he shows it's bad pr and if he doesn't show it's bad pr.
breakfast of champions
After watching the final hour this morning, I think Jackson's avoiding the commission would be far more damaging than his appearance, no matter how he handles it and no matter how the society spins it.
The RC knows for a certainty now that something is rotten in JW land, and they haven't invested these kinds of resources only to throw their hands up and walk away.